
The attributions of the environment agency are specified by law: “loi du 29 mars 2016 portant réorganisation de l’Administration de l’environnement”.

Main responsibilities

Within this legal framework, the agency has the following attributions with regards to the field of environmental protection:

  • providing training, information and advice as well as raising awareness about environmental topics to the different stakeholder groups in society;
  • managing and promoting voluntary environmental certification schemes;
  • the determination, the inventorying, the description, the evaluation and monitoring of the evolution of the state of the environment and the impact of human activities on the environment;
  • the conception, promotion and implementation of strategies, concepts, plans and programs;
  • carrying out research programs, projects and analyses;
  • participating in the elaboration of legal, regulatory and administrative prescriptions;
  • the supervision and controlling of the application of legal, regulatory and administrative prescriptions as well as police activities relating to these presciptions;

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